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File Created: 24-Jul-1985 by BC Geological Survey (BCGS)
Last Edit:  30-Apr-2021 by Garry J. Payie (GJP)

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Name MONA JEAN, CARRUTHER, SIKANNI Mining Division Omineca
BCGS Map 094D029
Status Showing NTS Map 094D08W
Latitude 056º 16' 23'' UTM 09 (NAD 83)
Longitude 126º 18' 03'' Northing 6239746
Easting 667129
Commodities Copper, Silver Deposit Types D03 : Volcanic redbed Cu
Tectonic Belt Intermontane Terrane Stikine, Cache Creek
Capsule Geology

The Mona Jean occurrence is located approximately 4 kilometres northeast of Mount Carruthers.

The area is underlain by Lower Jurassic Telkwa Formation (Hazelton Group) rocks. In this area, the Telkwa Formation overlies the Upper Triassic Dewar Formation (Takla Group) and the Permian Asitka Group. These rocks form a conformable northeast dipping succession. The Permian to Jurassic Sitlika assemblage, consisting of metamorphosed equivalents of the Asitka, Takla and Hazelton Groups (and possibly parts of the Bowser Lake Group), lies to the south. The Telkwa Formation is bounded to the northeast by the Pinchi fault. Localized faults in the area trend northeast and parallel major faults.

Locally, the area is underlain by Telkwa Formation porphyritic to aphanitic andesites with minor sedimentary rocks. Chalcocite occurs disseminated throughout a zone of highly silicified andesite. A 2.4-metre chip sample assayed 2.48 per cent copper (Assessment Report 5563).


Drilling and trenching are reported in the area of the Mona Jean showing. The drilling work was carried out by Serem in 1974, consisting of 5 drill holes totaling 320.65 metres (Geology, Exploration and Mining 1974, page 300). No assessment report was filed for this work and no further details of this drilling are presently available. Two drill holes are plotted on a 1975 map by R. Tait (Assessment Report 5563) and appear to correspond to the Serem drilling reported from their previous PAD 11 and 12 claims. Trenching was carried out by R. Tait in 1975: Trench A, 0.25 per cent copper over 4.57 metres; Trench B, 0.63 per cent copper over 5.48 metres; Trench D, 0.63 per cent copper over 3.05 metre; Trench F: 2.48 per cent copper over 2.44 metres, and Trench a: 0.46 per cent copper 15.24 metres (Assessment Report 5563).

In 1997, work by J. Miller-Tait included the collection of additional samples across a porphyritic dike (likely the basaltic dike). The dike here is reported as approximately 4.5 metres thick, trending 130 degrees and dipping vertically. Chip sampling returned copper grades of 1.79 per cent copper and 12.8 grams per tonne silver over 4.0 metres and 3.10 per cent copper and 25.6 grams per tonne silver over 5.0 metres (Assessment Report 25586).

In 2013, a total of eight rock samples were collected on the extensive Carruthers property by or for owner/operator Christopher Naas. Sampling was restricted to the ARP occurrence, but some compilation work was completed (Assessment Report 34368). The Carruthers property covered the following mineral occurrences from northwest to southeast: Bandy (094D 107), Liz (0(094D 076), Mar (094D 093), Tom (094D 124), Lake (094D 108), Mona Jean (094D 106) and ARP (094D 066).

In 2018, Geoscience BC released the results of the SEARCH III project, completing additional geophysical surveys including magnetics and radiometrics.

In 2019, owner Theodore Vander Wart and operator Vander Wart Consulting Inc. compiled historical information/data and interpretation of recent government and Geoscience BC airborne geophysical surveys in the Sikanni property area (Assessment Report 38889). The Sikanni claims covered several MINFILE occurrences including: Liz (094D 076), Mar (094D 093), Lake (094D 108) and Mona Jean (094D 106). In 2021, Golden Tiger Minerals Inc. collected 16 rock samples from various areas and lithologies from the three areas: 7 the Mona Jean, 7 from the Mar and 2 from the Lake.

EMPR GEM 1975-E160
EMPR ASS RPT *5563, *25586, 34368, 38889, 39243, 39601
GSC OF 342
GSC P 76-29